In the north of the India, Authorities are launching a hunt for a pack of wolves that has terrorized the inhabitants of Uttar Pradesh, and which have so far caused the deaths of eight children and an adult woman in the last two months, according to CBS News. The latest attack occurred last Tuesday when one of the wolves attacked a baby, causing its death.
Operation Bhediya, or “Operation Wolf,” is using hunting experts, night vision drones, traps, mapping techniques, nets and tranquilizer guns to locate wild animals, Central Zone Forest Conservation Director Renu Singh said in a statement on August 29.
The results so far are from four of the six specimens captured while roaming in a sugarcane cultivation area of Bahraich. “So far we have captured four wolves, two are still to come. All possible preparations are being made to capture them,” Indian the official told Indian news agency ANI.
Forest officer Vineet Sing also said that the tracks left by the wolves have led to their whereabouts. He said the first wolf was captured on August 19 and the last one on Thursday in the Mahsi area of the district.
Forest officer Akash Deep Badhawan, meanwhile, Indian They have burned elephant dung to create smoke and scattered their urine in an attempt to create a barrier of pure odor to keep wolves within a certain area. He explained that giving the illusion of elephants in the area makes the wolves stay there, and they have taken advantage of this to set traps for them.
Videos of the capture of these wild animals are shared on various media and social media platforms. In one of them, a wolf can be seen quite agitated after being caught and caged, after being forced to follow an established path using firecrackers.
What were the attacks like?
The first attack occurred on July 17, when a one-year-old baby was killed by one of these specimens in the village of Sikandarpur.
A week later, According to, Once again, wolves approached the community and stole a three-year-old girl who was sleeping in the yard of her house. Her mutilated little body was found a few meters away in a field.
Six more people died in similar attacks in the following weeks, when the wolves sneaked into the yards of people sleeping outside their homes. In rural India, it is common for people to sleep outdoors to beat the summer heat.
While the two remaining wolves are being captured, Operation Bhediya will continue in the Barich region. However, the region will henceforth be monitored with a view to preventing further wildlife attacks. Given that the houses in these villages lack doors, windows and indoor toilets, state authorities have warned people not to sleep outdoors or go out alone in the dark of night.
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