Bollywood stars flocked to celebrity stylist Aalim Hakeem’s birthday bash and made it a night of glitz and glamour. Hrithik Roshan, Shahid Kapoor, Ishaan Khatter, Bobby Deol, Sonu Sood, Dino More and others sported no-nonsense looks that turned heads. The star-studded event was a true celebration of fashion and fun. While many guests embraced the classic black look, Shahid Kapoor stood out in a stunning all-white ensemble. Ranbir Kapoor flaunts his perfectly symmetrical abs in new photos shared by Aalim Hakeem; Don’t miss dad Cole’s ‘Raha’ tattoo on his shoulder.
Hrithik Roshan with Aalim Hakim and Shano Hanspal Hakim
Shahid Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter
Bobby Deol and Tanya
Son and court
dino mora
Suniel Shetty and Mana Shetty
Kunal Rawal and Arpita Mehta
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